Saturday, February 7, 2009

Et tu, A-Rod?


Alex Rodriguez joins the list of baseball stars linked to performance-enhancing substances — in this case, the anabolic steroid Primobolan.

The Sports Illustrated story breaking the news is relying on two anonymous sources with access to results from Major League Baseball’s famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) 2003 urine tests, taken to determine is the league truly had a steroid problem.

In case you missed it, it turns out it did.

With Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa all tainted for one reason or another, A-Rod was baseball’s shining knight — the clean bopper who would come along and eventually erase Bonds’ career home-run record, making the mark hallowed once again.

Guess not.

Of course, it’s possible a mistake has been made and Rodriguez is getting a bad rap. He could always deny taking ’roids, claim the story is dead wrong. Asked about the report, Rodriguez replied, “You have to talk to the union. I’m not saying anything.”

Sorry, Alex. I believe you just did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about his statements in his interview with Peter Gammons on ESPN? Didnt seem too honest to me, with all those awkward pauses and facial expressions. Ive never been a fan of his but I am a fan of baseball and this whole "performance enhancing" scandal is not good for the game.