Thursday, February 19, 2009

How do you really feel, Ozzie?

Sunday, White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen took a shot at baseball’s penalties for banned substances, saying first-time violators should be kicked out of the game for a year. Currently, the penalty is 50 games.

"I feel we have to do something very drastic about this situation," he said.

The more Guillen talked, the more worked up he became, finally advocating a one-strike-and-you’re-out rule.

"That 50-game suspension? That's bull,” Guillen said. “I would say, 'Man, you get caught now, you're done for life.’ "

Later in the week, he took a shot at Alex Rodriguez — specifically at the story A-Rod peddled at his Tuesday news conference. Guillen didn’t exactly buy Rodriguez’s tale of not knowing what banned substances he took. Said Guillen:

"When you say you don't know what you was taking, he's like spitting in your face, like ignorance — "You guys are a bunch of idiots.

"Wow. You've been doing it for three, four, five years, six years, and you don't know what it's doing? I don't buy that one. I'm sorry. Alex is my dear friend but that's a slap in my face ... do you think I'm stupid?"

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