Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Testing our credulity


Lance Armstrong in his comeback to cycling will not be subject to an independent drug-testing program, after all.

Anti-doping expert Don Catlin, who was to test Armstrong and post the results online, told The Associated Press that “after months of negotiations, both sides realized the program wasn't workable this year.”

Armstrong, long the subject of drug rumors despite never testing positive, still will be subject to testing by UCI, cycling's international body, and the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

In November, Armstrong got upset at an AP report that said the drug-test Web site he promised when he announced his return was nonexistent.

"It's a tough thing to organize,” he said at the time, “but we'll make it happen.”

I guess not.

Two things:

1) Before he made such a grandiose promise — which was done simply to boost his credibility as a clean athlete — he and Catlin should have nailed down the details.

2) I’m thinking that Greg LeMond and others who’ve suspected Armstrong of cheating will not express surprise that the extra scrutiny won’t actually be happening.

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