Thursday, February 26, 2009

“Do you know who I am?”

Ah, entitlement.

Jillian McCarney isn’t an athlete or a celebrity but she still has that pretense to privilege that makes the behavior of many jocks and entertainers so attractive.

McCarney is the daughter of a University of Florida assistant football coach — not even the head coach, mind you. But that’s still enough reflected glory for her to act "special" when a problem arose at her apartment, where she was hosting a party.

According to the cops, the 21-year-old University of Iowa student (her dad used to coach there) became verbally abusive when they detained her for having a disorderly house, screaming, “Do you know who my dad is? He is Dan McCarney.”

The police report stated that McCarney tried to hit and kick the officer and later “guaranteed all her charges will be ‘dropped’ because her name is ‘McCarney’ and they have “a lot of money.”

And actually, the way things work in college towns, she might have been right if she’d shut up and cooperated. Having charges dropped seems a lot less likely now …

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