Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do you trust this man?

I always liked Joe Torre. He seemed like a gentleman; now he seems like just another grasper.

Worried that history will focus on George Steinbrenner’s spending habits, he wants to make sure people to give him credit for the four World Series titles the Yankees won from 1996 to 2000.

Joe, we get it; we always did. We knew your situation — standing between the old man and your players — was a tough one, and that you handled it with intelligence, class and as much dignity as was possible. You didn’t need to write a book to tell us.

You certainly didn’t need to write a book in which you spilled clubhouse secrets, in which you said Alex Rodriguez was called “A-Fraud,” in which you ripped Carl Pavano, Kevin Brown, David Wells, even Carlos Beltrán — who didn’t even play for you.

And your disingenuousness now that the book is out, insisting you were just a source for Tom Verducci, whose name is also on the book jacket, isn’t helping your fading image.

I bet your young Dodger players — you know, one of those to whom you preached that what happens in the clubhouse should stay in the clubhouse — view you a lot differently today than a couple of weeks ago. I know I do.

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