Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don’t make him a victim

When I wrote a column that, in part, poked fun at swimmer Michael Phelps and his now-famous photographed bong hit, I got two e-mails from supporters of the legalization of marijuana. One was civil and got a reply. The other was just a mean-spirited rant and didn’t get a response.

As I told the one e-mailer, I’ve known too many people whose lives have been damaged by marijuana, among other drugs, to support its legalization. So I have no problem with Phelps being embarrassed by the photo, and no problem with the Kellogg Company's decision to drop the Olympic champion as a spokesman. Their call.

I also think it’s a little amusing that the bong’s owner has been arrested — tracked down by authorities after he put the bong for sale on eBay for $100,000 (that’s why they call it dope).

But reports that people who attended the party where the bong was used are being arrested — seemingly just so South Carolina deputies can grill them about Phelps — are disturbing. When it comes to the law, Phelps shouldn’t be treated more leniently than any other citizen. But neither should he be treated more harshly.

There are those who see Phelps as a victim. He isn’t — yet. But selective prosecution will certainly turn him into one.

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