Wednesday, March 18, 2009

That's showing him, Pierre


The French surprised Lance Armstrong with a test, and no, it wasn’t “who’s buried in Napoleon’s Tomb?”

It was a doping test — just a little hello from the French to the American they love to hate, or at least love to suspect.

Armstrong was approached for a hair sample Tuesday in Beaulieu-sur-Mer, where he is training, and the French weren’t exactly gentle about it. According to reports, an “anti-doping inspector armed with a pair of scissors this week took six clumps of the former Tour de France champion's hair that now will be tested for signs of drug use. Armstrong says his hair was so ‘butchered’ by the test that he had to get a buzz-cut to hide the mess.”

Boasted Pierre Bordry, chief of the French anti-doping agency, "He needs to know that he is like everyone else. To have done this test … was a good way to make him realize that he is like everyone else."

I hate to break it to you, Pierre, but he isn’t like everyone else. Everyone else hasn’t won the Tour de France seven straight times. Let's see ... that’s your race, isn’t it, Pierre?

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