Thursday, March 5, 2009

On the schadenfreude front

Thank God I still have the Dodgers and Manny Ramirez to root against.

At least I can enjoy the discomfiture of Manny and his agent, Scott Boras, who engineered Ramirez’s grisly departure from Boston — a departure that trashed the outfielder’s already-questionable reputation and resulted in precious little extra green for the me-first slugger.

Boras reportedly was seeking A-Rod money for Manny — that’s $27.5 mil a year for five or six years. Instead, after four months of posturing — what Boras does best — Manny signed with L.A. for $45 million for two years, much of the money deferred. By playing out his contract in Boston, he would have earned $40 million over two years.

After paying Boras’ commission, and considering the deferred money, there’s not much to choose between the old Red Sox deal and the new Dodgers deal. All that angst and ugliness for nothing.

Despite Ramirez’s checkered history, in La-La Land Manny is being hailed as a savior.

Wait till his first pout.

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