Friday, March 20, 2009

Olé — for the story, at least

Recommended reading: Victoria Burnett’s New York Times story on a bullfighting brouhaha in Spain over the awarding of a prestigious fine-arts medal to Francisco Rivera Ordóñez.

Now, I don’t get bullfighting, and probably never will, but some of the issues discussed are understandable.

Ordóñez is rich, handsome, the grandson of a famous toreador and married to royalty.

If you believe his critics, he’s just not very talented — which didn’t stop the Culture Ministry from giving him the medal. He is, after all, a celebrity.

In protest, two well-regarded bullfighters have given back their medals. In a letter to the government, José Tomás and Paco Camino said the Culture Ministry had “degraded the notion of bullfighting as art.”

Who knew killing bulls was an art? Like I said, I’ve never gotten the sport. Didn’t stop me from enjoying the article, though.

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