Thursday, March 19, 2009

Serious trouble for Stallworth?

Up and about and driving at 7 a.m.? Sure.

Heading to the beach at 7 a.m.? Why not?

Drunk at 7 a.m.? Say what?

A source is telling The Miami Herald that Donte Stallworth had a blood-alcohol level of .12 last weekend when he struck and killed struck pedestrian Mario Reyes, a 59-year-old construction worker who had just gotten of his late shift. The legal limit is .08.

The Cleveland wide receiver has showed brains two ways:

1) by cooperating with police at the accident scene

2) by staying mum (other than expressing grief over Reyes' death), citing the ongoing police investigation as a reason.

If only he had demonstrated some smarts before climbing into his Bentley drunk.

This is assuming The Herald’s source is correct — which, after reading between the lines, I do.

"We have not released anything regarding the blood work," a Miami Beach police spokeswoman told The Herald. "We're not confirming anything."

But The Herald is not the only outlet reporting the test results. So is station WSVN-TV.

Then there’s a curious comment from Miami Beach detective Juan Sanchez, who told the Cleveland Plain Dealer that the cops, indeed, were not confirming the information but added, "We will not be releasing those results until we make an arrest."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make the arrest. Let's take one more overrated, superego black athletet off the streets. I get sick and tired of hearing about these stars and what they do off the field. Nothing but trouble.

I hope he does years of PRISON time for killing this innocent person. Don't let this hoodrat whine about "addiction" and just end up with a treatment program and probation. No way. He chose to drink and drive; make him pay.