Thursday, March 12, 2009

A predicament difficult to conceive of

I hope Travis Henry isn’t counting on a boatload of sympathy.

Nine kids. Nine different mothers. Nine demands for child support.

“They’ve got my blood; I’ve got to deal with it,” the former NFL running back told The New York Times — from Denver where, until recently, “he was under house arrest until recently for the drug matter.”

Now 30, Henry conceived his first child while he was a high-schooler. “I’m like, ‘Whoa, I’m going to be a dad,’ ” Henry recalled.

Guess what, Travis: Being the biological father doesn’t make you a dad though, unfortunately for you, it does make you financially liable.

Not surprisingly, Henry blames the mothers of his children. Seems as though they convinced Henry protection wasn’t necessary — and no, I’m not talking about pass blocking.

“My counselor asks me, ‘How can you do the same thing over and over?’ ” he told The Times.

“Knock on wood, or something, I’m blessed not to have AIDS. That never crossed my mind.”

I'm guessing there are many, many things that never cross your mind.

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