Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey, Donny: Get a mirror

Now, it’s sometimes said Manny Ramirez lives in his own world (more on him below). Well, another L.A. sporting figure — Donald Sterling — must live in his own universe. And it ain’t a pretty place.

According to a blog item by Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter Brandon Wright, after a recent game the Clippers owner went after his team in a “profanity-laced tirade” inside the club locker room, threatening to trade the entire roster.

As if another NBA team would want anyone on that roster.

Earth to wherever Sterling’s psyche and ego actually reside: You’re the guy who put this team together. Or at the very least, you’re the guy who hired the guys who put this team together.

In a particularly classy touch, Sterling allegedly ripped players by name, calling Al Thornton the most selfish basketball player he had ever seen, then telling coach Mike Dunleavy to “shut up” when Thornton asked the coach how he was playing.

Sterling has owned the Clips for 28 years, and for nearly that entire time, they’ve been the joke of the league. The only common denominator those 28 years is who? That's right: Donald T. Sterling.

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