Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First, do no murder

Recommended reading on the non-sports front: Lawrence K. Altman’s New York Times piece on Sweden’s little problem of keeping criminals out of its medical schools.

It begins:

“A year ago, Sweden’s most prestigious medical school found itself in an international uproar after it unknowingly admitted a student who was a Nazi sympathizer and a convicted murderer, then scrambled to find a way to expel him.

“It is hard to imagine how the case could get any more bizarre. But it has.

“The 33-year-old student, Karl Helge Hampus Svensson, having been banished from the medical school of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm on the ground that he falsified his high school records, has now been admitted to a second well-known medical school — Uppsala, Sweden’s oldest university.

“New twists in his and another case highlight the difficulties that three of the country’s six medical schools have had in admitting and dismissing students with serious criminal offenses in just the past two years. The cases resonate far beyond Sweden, raising fundamental questions about who is fit to become a doctor.”

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