Saturday, March 7, 2009

Desperate times call for ...

From the San Francisco 49ers (a one-time glamour franchise) to the Philadelphia Eagles (a consistent contender) to the Dallas Cowboys (the glamour franchise) to … the Buffalo Bills?

Terrell Owens, the noxious wide receiver, and Drew Rosenhaus, the noxious agent, can spin this all they want, but if the Bills were Owens’ first choice, his choices were not exactly, well … primo.

The Bills — rather like the Cowboys — fell apart the tail end of 2008, losing eight of their last 10 games and finishing 7-9.

In Tim Graham’s ESPN blog, Scouts Inc. analyst Matt Williamson puts it succinctly and correctly: “It’s a desperate team and a desperate player.”

As for T.O.'s news conference smiles, let's just say I've seen more sincere "glad to be here' grins. At 35, with diminished skills and undiminished baggage, T.O. is glad to be anywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on the mark about the suitors for TO. Still a little shocked that Buffalo made the move. Evans and Owens should give the Bills some good WRs. I am sure TO is disappointed he wore out his welcome in Dallas.