Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thanks for nothing, Dad

A New York Times blog by Thayer Evans quoted Texas Tech basketball coach Pat Knight on differences in recruiting philosophy he has with his father, Bobby, the former Red Raiders and Indiana Hoosiers coach.

Knight the Younger compared the differences to contrasting opinions men have about women.

“Everybody has a different taste who they’re attracted to,” Knight said. “It has to be the same way for players. There’s not like one attribute that I like more than my dad likes, but it is going to be different because I’m a different person. If two girls were walking down the street, my dad would probably pick a different one than I would.”

And if I were a college athletic director on the prowl for a new coach and saw two of them walking down the street — one of them being Pat Knight — I’d probably pick one who didn’t get his current job simply by riding his famous father’s coattails.

Every father wants to help his son, but by making sure Pat would succeed him as Tech head coach, Bobby made life harder — not easier — for his son. And that still would be true even if Tech's conference record today wasn't 3-13.

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