Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who ya gonna believe? Me or you lyin' eyes?

Remember a while back when swing coach Butch Harmon threw up his hands about coaching John Daly?

Harmon publicly dropped Daly as a client, saying the “most important thing in his life is getting drunk." The final straw apparently was Daly spending a tournament weather delay in a Hooters corporate tent.

Whereupon Daly blistered Harmon, saying, “His lies kind of destroyed my life for a little bit. The lies he said about being at the Hooters tent and all this stuff,” Daly said.

“I think he should become a man and talk about some of the stuff he lied about. I just wish he wouldn’t have said the things he did that made you guys (the press) write some pretty bad things about me when nobody really had the facts.”

Here’s some facts for you, John:

Sunday, you were held overnight in a North Carolina jail after passing out at a Hooters restaurant. Police said you "appeared extremely intoxicated and uncooperative," and refused to go to a hospital to be checked out, as police requested.

So police took you to jail until you sobered up.

It’s a different sport and all that, but as it seems apt, in the matter of your word vs. Harmon’s, we call it for Harmon — game, set and match.

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