Thursday, October 23, 2008

The jury's out on this one

Kellen Winslow Jr. can be a jerk. He proved it at the University of Miami when he defended his standing over and taunting an injured opponent by saying, “I'm a ****ing soldier.” He’s also proved it in the pros — more than once, actually. So I was ready to jump on him when, following a recent hospital stay, he whined that the Cleveland Browns’ general manager, Phil Savage, hadn’t called him while he was laid up.

But there seems to be more to the story.

Winslow alleges what really upset him was that he was hospitalized for a staph infection — for the second time — and notes that it’s the sixth time in recent years a Browns player has had such an infection.

Furthermore, while the Browns said their silence over Winslow’s condition while he was hospitalized was at his request, Winslow said it was Cleveland management that asked him to keep it quiet.

Staph infections are serious. Just last week, UNC Asheville basketball player Kenny George reportedly had part of his right foot amputated because of an infection. They can be even more serious than that — deadly, in fact. So news that Cleveland has a continuing problem with staph isn’t likely to help the Browns in the free-agent market.

The Browns were so upset at Winslow’s spilling the beans they suspended him a game, a suspension the tight end is appealing. The suspension would cost him $235,294.

Now, maybe Kellen’s being a jerk again. On the other hand, the silence on Winslow’s illness seemed hinky from the get-go, and it’s not unusual for a big business — and that’s what the Cleveland Browns are — to do what it can to prevent negative information from getting to the public.

Whom to believe, the jerk or the suits? I’m going to wait and see (but I’m leaning toward the jerk).

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