Thursday, October 2, 2008

Who do you trust? How about ... neither?

A favorite sound byte on the radio show of late, great Jim Healy was a quote of Ed Garvey, the onetime head of the NFL players union, on the troubled then-owner of the Philadelphia Eagles.

“Leonard Tose,” Garvey said, “has lost it.”

I thought of Healy and Garvey and Tose while watching a tape of Al Davis railing this week against the alleged sins of Oakland Raiders coach Lane Kiffin, whose firing Davis announced at a news conference that was bizarre even by Raider standards.

After eviscerating Kiffin for alleged coaching and character flaws, a rambling Davis went on to claim that New England coach Bill Belichick tampered with Raiders receiver Randy Moss before trading for him before the 2007 season. Belichick denied the claim.

A quandary — who is one to believe here? Belichick is a proven cheat. And Davis? Well, he’s gone the Leonard Tose route.

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