Thursday, October 2, 2008

Great Moments in Parenting

In Ohio during a pee-wee football game between Amherst and Midview, a parent — one Eric Frambach — decided the Midview coach needed help calling plays.

"Apparently, the parent was yelling to the coach to run a particular play. They ran the play, the coach turns around as says, 'There is your sweep,' and bam, the rest is history," said youth football board member Dennis Szalai.

The “history” Szalai refers to is Frambach’s alleged attack on the coach, which resulted in Frambach’s arrest.

What made the incident more inane, Szalai said, was that there was an injured played on the field when the sideline fight began.

"I looked at the player, here is this third- or fourth-grader. This fight occurred within 2 feet of the player. There was no regard for this kid, no clue what happened to him. The boy could have had a serious injury to him. It wasn't, thank God," said Szalai.

As for the rest of the players, "They were all crying, and the Amherst players and they had a blank look on their faces, like they didn't know what was going on," Szalai said.

Frambach is no longer welcome at the league football games; his presence in court, however, will be not only permitted but required.

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