Monday, October 6, 2008

Dancing with the feds

Helio Castroneves is a two-time Indy 500 winner and a “Dancing With The Stars" champ.

But the federal government believes Castroneves is something else: a tax cheat who has evaded U.S. taxes on more than $5 million in income.

Castroneves, who has been charged with conspiracy and six counts of tax evasion from 1999 through 2004, appeared in court last week in handcuffs and leg chains. Apparently Uncle Sam is serious about getting his money.

Interestingly, his lawyer didn’t deny wrongdoing had been done — just that his client wasn’t responsible.

"Helio has always done the appropriate thing and hired accountants and attorneys he relied upon," the mouthpiece said.

But the feds have also charged his sister. Hmmm. If it comes down to a plea deal, as he’s the big fish in this case, she’s the one who would have some leverage, I would think.

"We are of the strong belief that he did not do anything wrong," his attorney said. "We're looking forward to going to court."

I bet.

Or to put it another way, the lawyer stands to have a great number of billable hours, so I can believe he’s looking forward to going to court.

Helio? I'm guessing not so much.

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