Thursday, April 30, 2009

Take me out to the … hell, not at those prices

The Yankees’ cutting of some of their more ridiculous ticket prices is not getting the PR pat on the back they probably were looking for.

Among the changes: Front-row $2,500 seats behind the dugouts will be cut to $1,250.

New York Assemblyman Richard L. Brodsky was less than impressed, saying, “The people who built Yankee Stadium with their tax money can no more afford $1,200 a game than they can afford $2,500.”

The Yankee brass also cut tickets along the first- and third-base lines from $1,000 a game to $650, but it wasn’t out of the kindness of their hearts. It was out of concern for all the photos of empty seats.

“It was starting to hurt the overall brand,” said Donny Deutsch, chairman of Deutsch Inc., an advertising agency, when asked about the original pricing strategy. “People start asking whether you care about the fans.”

Is that a question you really need to ask?

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