Thursday, April 2, 2009

At least he's not screaming about 'practice!'

Well, that didn’t take long, did it?

When Allen Iverson was told he would have to come off the bench for the Detroit Pistons, he said he was OK with it.

To help the team win a title, he said, he’d do "whatever it takes."

Less than a month later, he not as sanguine about his new role.

"I'd rather retire before I do this again," Iverson said this week. "I can't be effective playing this way. I'm not used to it. It's tough for me both mentally and physically. If I'm able to go out there, I should be able to get it done and I can't right now.”

Coming off the bench is tough for a lot of players; yet a lot of players manage to do it, manage to play well, and manage to do it without threatening to quit.

Ah — nothing like a diva with diminishing skills.

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