Friday, April 10, 2009

And we haven't even heard from PETA yet

Note to all high school coaches out there: You’re dealing with impressionable, not-fully-formed minds. Choose you words carefully.

Palm Harbor (Fla.) University High baseball coach Jeremy Albrecht probably didn’t think twice about using the phrase “snake-bitten” to describe his team’s recent losing streak.

Too bad.

His players decided that if they were, indeed, snake-bitten, the way to handle it was to get a snake, kill it and bury it the field. So that’s what they did, buying the reptile, chopping off its head, and interring it in the pitcher’s mound.

Now the coach has been suspended.

And I’m left to wonder, how are kids being raised these days? I mean, if you’re going to sacrifice a snake to the baseball gods, don’t you have to CATCH it? What’s with buying a scape-snake?

No way that’s going to work …

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