Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sportsman of the Year

Yes, I know it’s early in 2009, but I’d be surprised if anyone can top the sportsmanship of one Michael Kinahan, coach — make that former coach — of a youth soccer team in Scituate, Mass.

The Boston Globe reported that Kinahan, trying to pump up his team for the coming season, named his players “Green Death,” urged them to eat undercooked red meat and stressed the importance of winning at all costs.

In a letter to his players, Kinahan said, “I believe winning is fun and losing is for losers,” and said they should be ready to play like a “Michael Vick pit bull.”

Players should prepare, Kinahan wrote, for “bumps, bruises and (to) even bleed a little,” and Kinahan promised to “heckle” the league’s young referees.

But any heckling Kinahan will do this season will come from the stands, as he has quit as coach of “Green Death.” It appears that parents took offense at his letter — though I can’t see why.

After all, 6- and 7-year-old girls have to grow up sometime.

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