Thursday, April 16, 2009

First day at school

At his introductory press conference Wednesday as the new face of Florida International University basketball, Isiah Thomas was presented as Isiah Thompson — not an auspicious start.

Less auspicious was Thomas dancing around questions related to the sexual harassment allegations that ended up costing his former employers — the owners of the Knicks — $11.6 million.

Less auspicious still was FIU athletic director Pete Garcia’s vague description of his vetting of Thomas, ending with the pronouncement, “We are getting a great human being.”

Thomas’ donating his first year’s salary to the school’s athletic department gives him a much-needed — if minor — PR bump. And Garcia’s hiring of Thomas already has accomplished its main purpose — getting people to talk about FIU.

So, look, Pete: Here I am, talking about FIU, and here's what I'm saying — This isn't going to end well.

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