Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One toke (at least) over the line


You’re an NFL general manager in need of a wide receiver in the upcoming draft. You’ve got your eye on Percy Harvin (in the uni) and Brandon Tate (in the suit) out of Florida and North Carolina, respectively.

Then — less than a week before the draft — you learn both tested positive for marijuana at the NFL scouting combine in February.

Considering the players know they’re going to be tested at the combine, you’ve got to be wondering, do these two players have a drug problem — or a brain problem? It would seem to be one or the other.

We’re talking the NFL here, no neither problem will keep a player from being drafted, but either one can cost a player draft position, and draft position can cost a player millions of dollars.

Let me repeat that: millions of dollars.

I do hope for both Harvin and Tate that refer was worth it.

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