Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yet ANOTHER reason not to coach

OK. In recent weeks, we've written about two high school football coaches clobbered by parents in separate incidents. Now comes a new twist in the genre: a coach beaten up by one of his own players.

In Nampa, La., Nampa High School coach Scott Woolridge tried to break up a fight between an opposing player and one of his running backs, Kipton Ramos.

For his trouble (no good deed goes unpunished), Woolridge was attacked by Kipton, hit not once but several times, and sent to the hospital with a broken nose and eye socket.

Ramos has been booted from the team and suspended from school, but he’s got bigger problems — such as being charged with felony aggravated battery.

What was that old line in "Hill Street Blues?" It was said by the sergeant to the officers right before they hit the pavement, but it looks as though it should be said to high school football coaches right before they hit the field.

"Hey, let's be careful out there."


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