Thursday, November 27, 2008

Practice random acts of showing up

Allen Iverson is at it again.

In 2002, he blew off a Philadelphia 76ers practice before a first-round playoff game, then a month later went on a famous rant ("We talking about PRACTICE") when his coach had the nerve to criticize him for missing those little team get-togethers.

Nearly two years later — same team, different coach — he blew off another practice and was fined.

In 2006, Iverson stormed out of the practice gym after a set-to with yet another coach, leading to his being traded from the Sixers to Denver.

And now in November 2008, only a month after his trade from Denver to Detroit, he's already managed to miss a practice with his new team, leading to what's been described as a "hefty" fine.

"I'm surprised when guys are late; I'm surprised when they don't show," Pistons coach Michael Curry said. "It's a pretty hefty fine to be late, or to miss, and once again, it's accountability for yourself and your teammates."

Accountability? We talking about ALLEN IVERSON.

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