Thursday, November 20, 2008

Romo's ruining everything

My dislike of the Dallas Cowboys goes back a long way — at least to the Hollywood Henderson era, and has been boosted in recent years by Jerry Jones and his acquisitions of Terrell Owens and Pacman (Call me Adam) Jones.

I enjoy disliking the Cowboys; it’s been very rewarding — and very easy.

Which is why I’m increasingly disturbed by the actions of Tony Romo.

First, the Cowboys quarterback stops on the freeway and helps a couple change a flat tire. Then — this reported Wednesday in the Dallas Morning News — he sees a homeless man outside a movie theater and treats him to a film. And no — he didn’t just buy him a ticket; he went in and watched the flick with him.

When the man told Romo he hadn’t showed in days, Romo replied, “Don't worry about that. I'm used to locker rooms."

"For me, it was a blessing," the man, whose name is Doc, said. "It came at just the right time. It gave me some encouragement and faith in mankind. I just wanted to say thank you."

And I want to say, “Tony, KNOCK IT OFF.”

Now, I’m confident that with Jerry Jones running the show, Pacman Jones running his posse and Terrell Owens running his mouth, I’ll continue to be able detest the team with the star. With a little effort.

But I’d rather not have to work at it at all.

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