Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Exactly what you DON’T want, Coach

Rich Rodriguez, coach of the 3-8 Michigan football team, thinks something’s out of whack. Some fans of the maize and blue, it seems, are taking the game much too seriously.

Rodriguez is displeased with the vocalizing that’s been heading his way as the Wolverines have lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost and lost this year.

"It's amazing some of the things that people would say [on a message board] or yell at you of a personal nature," Rodriguez. "You almost want to tell them, 'Get a life.'

No, no, Rich. You don’t want them to get a life. If they have a life, they might not buy tickets to watch your football team and subsidize your $15 million, six-year contract. They might even object when the university pays your former employer, West Virginia, $3 million as compensation for your having broken your contract to come to Ann Arbor in the first place.

Trust me, Rich: You want those fans to avoid a healthy perspective at all cost. Verbal abuse might be difficult, but at $2.5 mil a year, you can afford a real good pair of noise-blocking earphones.

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