Friday, November 28, 2008

I hope Obama's working on this

The state of the economy has gotten to the point that I’m worried — no, not about me, about Our Athletic Heroes.

First, Tiger Woods has his endorsement deal with GM canceled by the troubled car company. Then LeBron James has his deal with Microsoft nixed.

Without that extra walking-around money from mega-company endorsements, what’s a global icon to do?

In James’ case, he might spend some time at home and more fully consider the advice of Charles Barkley, who’s suggested the free-agent-to-be stop talking about where he might land in two years, when his contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers expires.

“I'm getting so annoyed he's talking about what he's going to do in two years,” the NBA Hall-of-Famer said. “I think it's disrespectful to the game. I think it's disrespectful to the Cavaliers."

James took Barkley's constructive criticism like a man.

“He’s stupid,” he said.

Oh, well. A troubled economy can make anyone edgy.

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