Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is getting hard to keep up with

The latest incident of coach-bashing ... wait, let's encapsulize what's come before:

1) a coach bashed by the father of two players for telling the kids to get on the team bus;

2) a coach bashed by the father of a player for making the kid run laps;

3) a coach bashed by his own player for trying to break up a fight;

OK, for now the latest in coach bashing ... drum roll, please ...

4) A coach bashed by a former player.

This is out of Eagle Rock High near Los Angeles, where Johnny Lopez was bending down to pick up a ball during practice when a young man, a former footballer, hit him from behind.

Reportedly, the incident was related to the unpopular firing of the previous coach, a move that resulted in students circulating petitions and holding a protest. When I went to school — back in the day — I remember protests against Vietnam and racism.

Protesting over a coach's firing? I'm not sure that's progress.

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