Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can’t Tim Floyd afford a bag man?

Yahoo! Sports is reporting that USC basketball coach Tim Floyd allegedly graced a man with $1,000 in cash in 2007 to help steer star guard O.J. Mayo to the Trojans for his “one-and-done” season.

Louis Johnson, a former associated of Mayo and “runner” Rodney Guillory, said he saw Floyd and Guillory meet outside a stretch of Beverly Hills cafes on Valentine's Day in 2007. When Guillory returned to his car, where Johnson was waiting, he had the cash.

Johnson has given this information to investigators from the U.S. Attorney's Office, FBI, IRS and the NCAA.

A former sportswriter, Johnson said the moment he locked eyes with Floyd outside the café was telling. "He knew who I was, a writer," Johnson said. "I read body language well. He was uneasy. It was written all over his face."

USC, which is facing a major NCAA investigation not only over Mayo’s recruitment but also over money and benefits allegedly given to football star Reggie Bush, isn’t talking. Neither is Floyd.

How about a simple denial, Tim? No?

This isn’t looking good for the cardinal and gold.

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