Thursday, May 7, 2009

Daddy, may I? ... Thanks!

Talk about a malleable father.

Canadian hockey legend Guy Lafleur recently was convicted of giving contradictory testimony — we call this lying — when he testified at a 2007 bail hearing for his son Mark, who had been arrested on assault charges.

After Mark’s arrest, Lafleur agreed to supervise him as part of his bail conditions, which included a curfew. Asked in court if Mark had ever failed to spend a night at home during the time he was under curfew, Lafleur said no.

But at his son's review for the bail hearing, Lafleur told a judge that he drove Mark to a hotel to meet his 16-year old girlfriend, because "because he felt it was important for them to spend some intimate time together."

What a dad.

Mark, who pleaded guilty to 14 charges stemming from his troubled relationship with his underage petite amie, is serving a 15-month community service sentence.

Dad will be sentenced June 18. Even if he also receives a light sentence, as expected, he now has a criminal record, which complicates his business comings and goings with the U.S.

As well as torpedoing his “Father of the Year” chances.

It’s not all bad news, of course — his son is still in the running for Jackass of the Year.

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