Thursday, May 14, 2009

Give me the munchies concession at Corrie’s house

It’s not good when police find 18 pounds of pot in your house. It’s not good when they intercept another 11 pounds sent to you. The authorities might think you were dealing or something.

So former NBA player Corrie Blount can be forgiven for not thinking that clearly when it came time to explain all the cannabis.

But Blount’s story — all the weed was for his personal use and for that of his friends — didn’t fly with Hamilton, Ohio, judge Craig Hedric.

Said Hedric: "Cheech and Chong would have had a hard time smoking that much." He then sentenced Blount to a year in prison, fined him $10,000 and ordered him to surrender two vehicles and $34,000 in cash seized in the bust.

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