Thursday, May 21, 2009

Please, oh please …

A Los Angeles Times story says Manny Ramirez might just decide that silence — silence about his 50-game drug suspension, that is — is golden.

A source says that Manny will cite legal reasons for his failure to address the circumstances that led to his banishment, which, if true, means Manny might have a future in politics.

After all, seamy pols for years have used that particular excuse to explain their clamming up. It normally comes with an insincere smile that tells reporters, “We both know this is a dodge – but it’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

Except — to make it even slightly plausible — there has to be some legal action to cite, and here’s where it might get interesting. Manny is said to be considering suing the physician who allegedly prescribed the female fertility drug he took that landed him on baseball's list of banned substances.

If that happens, it would mean depositions and disclosure, which I imagine is the last thing Manny and his brain trusts actually wants. I, however, would dearly love it.

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