Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trouble in Mannywood

We already knew Manny Ramirez was a greed-head and a bad teammate.

Now we can add steroid cheat to his résumé after he was suspended 50 games by Major League Baseball.

No, wait; Manny said it wasn’t a steroid that busted him but some other banned substance that was in a medication he was given by a doctor for a “personal condition.”

Ramirez apologized to his Dodgers teammates, owners and manager Joe Torre.

I hope he also apologized to agent Scott Boras. The suspension will cost Manny a third of this season’s salary. Will that affect Boras’ cut?

“L.A. is a special place to me,” Ramirez said, “and I know everybody is disappointed,” he said.

Not everybody, Manny. In New York, where some thought the Yankees might sign you, they’re relieved. In Boston, where you quit on your teammates, they’re ... what's the word? ... ecstatic.,0,6324894.story

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