Thursday, January 21, 2010

The word will come to me in a minute ...

Gosh, I thought, upon hearing that John Edwards had admitted being the father of a child with Rielle Hunter, I guess he finally decided that manning up was the right thing to do.

I should have known better.

Last week Mark McGwire admitted he used steroids in his playing days. Why? Because he needed to come out of hiding to function as the St. Louis Cardinals’ new hitting instructor. So really, then, he had no choice.

And Edwards?

Well, his admission came on the eve of a 20/20 program in which his former aide Andrew Young — who had provided cover for Edwards by claiming to be the child's father — was expected to tell the truth to promote his book, The Politician.

In other words, Edwards, like McGwire, had to choice.

There’s a word to describe Edwards that I can’t quite bring up. Let’s see, it sounds like “scrum,” but that’s not quite it. Too many letters. Maybe “rum.” No, too few letters. It will come to me eventually, I'm sure.

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