Thursday, January 7, 2010

A pointed response

Latest rumble on Gilbert Arenas’ little gun joke was that it took an even more serious turn than was thought. There are reports that when Arenas laid out four guns in the Wizards’ locker room and invited Jarvis Crittenton to choose one, Crittenton surprised Arenas by throwing one of Arenas’ guns to the floor and producing his own, into which he inserted a round, while singing.

Meanwhile Arenas, while saying all the right things through his lawyers, has continued to say and do all the wrong things himself, including his continued ill-advised tweeting and his taking the court for a recent game while pointing his fingers at his teammates as if they were guns (ha-ha).

All of which got him suspended indefinitely. Arenas seemed to expect such a turn. After meeting with the law Monday, Arenas said he feared NBA commissioner David Stern more than the authorities because he was “mean.”

Two comments:

1) Stern might or might not be mean, but he can’t put Arenas in jail. That the authorities can do.

2) Stern might or might not be mean, but he’s not stupid — stupid enough to allow Arenas to continue to tarnish the league’s reputation without responding both quickly and decisively. The difference between Stern and Arenas is that Stern — whatever else you think of him — is an adult.

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