Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it going to be worth it?

Everyone this side of Tony La Russa is taking shots at Mark McGwire.

Former pitcher Fergie Jenkins, catching great Carlton Fisk, White Sox skipper Ozzie Guillen, former Cardinal slugger Jack Clark, even a convicted steroid dealer are either not exactly buying what McGwire is selling or flat-out saying that his return to the game is a disgrace.

Without naming La Russa, Guillen also perhaps took a shot at the St. Louis manager who defended McGwire for years, and even now insists he knew nothing about his slugger’s steroid use.

“When people say, ‘I don't know what happened,’ we're lying to ourselves,” Guillen said.

La Russa and the Cardinals will do everything within their power to protect their new hitting coach, but I don’t think the controversy about McGwire's past is going away anytime soon.

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