Thursday, August 27, 2009

With friends like these …

So far, things have gone pretty well for Michael Vick. Whether you believe he’s truly repentant or not, he’s basically handled himself well, resulting in his signing with the Philadelphia Eagles.

He’s forged an alliance with the Humane Society, and PETA, while not supportive, has been rather quiet — for them. Everything’s going well.

Time for the NACCP to get involved!

Yes, the NAACP and other civil-rights organizations scheduled a pro-Vick rally Thursday at Lincoln Financial Field, unnecessarily injecting the divisive issue of race into the equation. Leading the charge was one J. Whyatt Mondesire, head of the local NAACP, who distinguished himself in 2005 with a bizarre, racially tinged broadside against fellow African American Donovan McNabb (don’t ask).

“We believe Michael Vick has served his time, paid his debt to society, and deserves a second chance, and the animal-rights groups want to hold him hostage for the rest of his life,” Mondesire said.

Actually, as noted above, the animal-rights groups have thus far played it fairly cool.

We’ll see what they do after you get through, J. Whyatt.

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