Thursday, August 6, 2009

Personal responsibility? It’s slip-sliding away

In a Little League game, a 12-year-old boy gets a base hit, tries to stretch it into a double, slides and injures his knee.

What’s the first thing a parent does?

Right — call a lawyer.

Jean Gonzales sued the New Springville Little League in Staten Island, N.Y., and two of the league's coaches, claiming her son Martin was not properly taught how to slide.


I mean, people who are properly taught to slide never hurt themselves sliding, do they?

When the lawsuit was filed in 2007, area lawyers didn’t think it had much chance of success but, hey, this is America.

This month the Little League agreed to pay Gonzales $125,000.

Is this a great country or what?

1 comment:

John Galt said...

Disgraceful. As a business owner and someone who is influential in businesses in the northeast, I pledge to never hire or support the hiring of either the kid or the mother if their job applications ever cross my desk. I further pledge that if by some very slim chance, either the kid or the mother ever crosses my path in any way that I can possibly intervene I will do so. I will never rent an apartment to them. I will never extend credit to them. I will never allow them to shop in my store or eat in my restaurant.

I think Americans of all sorts need to put our collective foot down and do something. And I say we start by making this woman a pariah.

Sign up here. Sign up everywhere. No jobs, credit, apartments, or access to private property ever again for Jean Gonzalez of Staten Island NY and her son Martin.