Thursday, August 27, 2009

She says, he says ... and we believe her

There was an interesting difference of opinion in an otherwise uplifting Wall Street Journal story about Torii Hunter’s 2005 discovery that he had a half-brother.

That half-brother, Brandon Thurman (in photo at right), recently graduated from West Point and he and Hunter have become close friends.

In the story, Thurman’s mother, Gloria Hampton, says she took Theotis Hunter to court for a paternity test, leading to Theotis’ 2005 announcement to Torii that he had a half-brother. Toward the end of the article, Theotis says, “I didn't want to go through life not knowing he was my son. That was something that had to be resolved, so I took the test …”

Oh, so that's how it was …

Actually, revisionist history or no, Theotis deserves credit for getting off crack — with the help of treatment paid for by Torii — and for spending “the past few years trying to correct his past mistakes.”

And both Torii and Brandon, along with their mothers, deserve more credit for the way both men have turned out, in spite of growing up difficult and dangerous circumstances.

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