Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ah, Texas

The word that comes to mind upon seeing the 160-foot-wide, 72-foot-high video screen that looms just 90 feet above the field at Jerry Jones’ new $1 billion football palace is ... monstrosity.

Dallas' NFL opponents have another name for it — interference.

It seems that Jones, while following NFL stadium guidelines, didn’t actually have a punter test the proposed screen height before installation. So Jones was surprised when Titans backup punter A,J. Trapasso hit the screen several times in warm-ups and once in the Cowboys' first home preseason game.

With typical Texas modesty, at the stadium’s opening the Cowboys were selling T-shirts saying, “Ours is bigger!” Well, yours certainly is dumber.

1 comment:

The Drifter said...

As a former happy New Mexican and a stranded unhappy Texan -- just how unhappy? see here: -- I can tell you that big and dumb come with the territory. And Texans are proud of it. I read your column when I was in New Mexico and keep up with you online now. I enjoy it.