Thursday, August 20, 2009

and dumber ...

Speaking of dumb decisions, I give you Seattle’s Adrian Beltre, who is out — possibly for the rest of the season — because there’s a problem with … well, because there’s some bruising in his … hmmm … how can I put this?

Because he plays third base for a living and doesn’t bother to wear a protective cup!

Yes, Beltre took one down there, and is paying the price for it. A story about Beltre mentioned that some other big leaguers also go sans protection, which boggles my mind.

I played organized baseball for years and softball for decades, and I never went out on the field without a cup. Some players complain it’s uncomfortable. I say, if you want to know what’s really uncomfortable, ask Beltre.

Maybe major league teams should institute a cup check. Don’t know what that is? Men of my age who participated in athletics back in high school surely do. Players line up, a coach with a bat walks along the line and asks everyone if they have their cup on.

Everyone says, “Yes, Coach!”

Then sometimes he checks.

With the bat.

That's definitely a way you don't want to be caught in a lie.

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