Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Such a tough decision


Scott Boras wasn’t questioning Jim Leyland’s integrity, after all.

Boras took some fire from the Detroit Tigers’ manager this week after he seemed to imply the recent benching of Boras client Magglio Ordoñez was not due to Ordoñez poor hitting but to his contract — if Ordoñez gets 215 plate appearances this season, his $15 million contract option for next year becomes vested.

It was all a misunderstanding, Boras now insists. He would never question the probity of the Tigers manager.

That’s a relief, because if it did come down to an integrity contest between the two men ... I mean ... who would I know to go with?

Jim Leyland or the Prince of Darkness?

Jim Leyland … Prince of Darkness?

Jim Leyland …

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