Monday, June 29, 2009

It might not be right but it probably is lucrative

Marty Appel has taken another run at Thurman Munson’s life.

Munson wrote Munson’s “autobiography” 31 years ago, naturally putting in whatever details the Yankee catcher wanted and leaving out whatever details he wanted out.

That’s what he was getting paid for.

Now Appel has penned a biography — unauthorized by Munson’s family, which largely refused to cooperate with Appel.

Having worked with Munson decades ago, Appel did have a running start in knowing things that might make for more interesting reading — things Munson didn’t want mentioned in 1978. Munson died in a plane crash a year in 1979.

So, is writing about them now ethical or unethical?

I’m not sure. But I note that in both cases — 31 years ago and today — Appel did what would bring him the money.

Just like most athletes.

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