Thursday, June 18, 2009

A month? Really?

After doing something horribly wrong, Donte Stallworth did everything right — he stopped, he called police, he took responsibility. Good for him. No, I mean it: Good for him.

But it should be remembered that in doing those things he only did what one is suppose to do, what is expected, what is right.

Despite doing those things, he still killed a 59-year-old crane operator with his car because he was driving drunk — and for that he plea-bargains for a month in jail?

Yes, I understand there are other elements to his sentence — eight years’ probation, 1,000 hours community service, lifetime loss of his driving privileges — but unless he’s suspended by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, the Cleveland Browns wide receiver won’t even miss training camp.

Yes, I understand Stallworth has reached a monetary settlement with the family of Mario Reyes, and that the family supported the plea bargain. But those two facts, taken together, only make the deal creepier. Would the family have supported such a deal if Stallworth wasn’t a multi-millionaire who could afford what I assume is a generous settlement?

Justice is suppose to be blind (I’ll pause here to allow for laughter) …

In this case, it seems as though Justice raised its blindfold long enough to peek into a billfold.

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