Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's true, nonetheless

You’re a Little League coach.

You’ve got some of your players with you, including your son.

Maybe you’ll teach them some batting fundamentals. Maybe you’ll teach them some pitching fundamentals. Maybe you’ll teach them to break and enter.

According to Arlington, Wash., police, Little League coach George Spady Jr. was with his son, a nephew and another of his players when he broke into a vacant shop and stole overhead lights and bolts.

Spady’s son allegedly crawled through a vent on the back side of the shop and unlocked the door for his father. Then Spady, his son and Spady’s nephew went inside and came out with the goods, according to court documents.

One of the boys — I’m guessing the one non-Spady relative — told his stepfather about the heist, and the police were called, leading to the arrest of the 31-year-old coach, who’s been charged with second-degree burglary, a felony.

So far, none of the boys have been charged.

Spady reportedly told the police he was sorry.

He also told them he was an idiot slimeball.

(OK — I made that last one up).

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