Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tony, don't look now but ...


Terrell Owens is unhappy.

The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Me doesn’t think he got the ball enough in Sunday’s Dallas loss to Washington, despite being thrown to 18 times. He not only vented to the press — he reportedly made his unhappiness known to quarterback Tony Romo, heretofore known as T.O.’s best friend.

Have I said “uh-oh” yet?

Owens has a history of throwing quarterbacks under the bus (see Garcia, Jeff and McNabb, Donovan and — wait? Do I hear an engine being started?)

Dallas coach Wade Phillips naturally downplayed any T.O. tension, much the same way Philadelphia coach Andy Reid did back when Owens was an Eagle.

Then Owens imploded. And the Eagles with him.



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